Our Perspective on Distributing Other Publisher’s Books
Truth Has Nothing To Fear
Our online catalog contains books produced in various countries ( i.e., America, Canada, England, Holland, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) and by different publishers. While these books represent, primarily, the views of their respective authors, they also reflect the views of the American Baptist Churches, the American Baptist Association, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Gospel Standard Strict Baptists, the Seventh Day Baptists, various Independent and Sovereign Grace Baptists, the Reformed Baptists, the Mennonites, Hutterians, Anabaptists of the present day and also the Reformation era, the Lollards of 15th Century England, and people who have no connection with any Baptists at all. The books in our catalog address a vast number of subjects and are usually written with a particular type audience in mind. With such a tremendous array of books it is only to be expected that some of the books contain statements with which we cannot conscientiously agree. Some of the books we are more in agreement with than others. Hence, it is necessary to point out that we have found specific things in each book that makes that book particularly relevant for today and, in our opinion, these "things" need to be prayerfully and seriously considered especially by those who understand from Scripture that there is a specific Gospel message to be believed and a specific Gospel way of life to be followed. Some of our readers will, no doubt, question the wisdom of distributing books with which we do not totally agree. However, upon further reflection, those same readers will surely recognize the consequences of such a position. Since all books written by uninspired men unavoidably contain error, if we limit ourselves to the infallible standard we could distribute no books or sermons at all. This would neglect the Providential assistance God has been pleased to provide His people through placing His truth in "earthen vessels" and commissioning "human" preaching. We believe that such a position would deny the people of God a vast amount of important teaching which can help them more consciously, consistently and comfortably serve the Lord in their generation.
Simultaneous with the thoughts above, it has long been our conviction that truth has nothing to fear from the light. The searchlight of investigation can shine into any corner of truth but will never disprove a single item in the heritage of truth. The most exacting scrutiny cannot prove any part of truth to be false. If our views are correct, we need not fear when they are surveyed and scrutinized by the most painstaking methods. Let them be tested. It will do the truth no harm! If such examination finds error in our personal beliefs, thank God for it! We should be grateful to the man who helps us find the truth. To learn of my errors now means I am wiser than before! The man who helps me discover more truth has done me no harm. Instead, he has befriended me. Do we really desire to find the TRUTH or do we only want to defend our private beliefs, long-held prejudices and the “traditions of men”? Let us ponder well the following words:
. . .if the traditional orthodox interpretation of the gospel is true, it should be capable of defense, not only by the negative technique of attacking other positions but also by the positive expounding of its own views in critical, but creative interaction with other
theologies. . . A negative, defensive stance in any vital matter can never be finally convincing.” George E. Ladd, The New Testament and Criticism, pages 11-12.
In light of human prejudice, in view of the fact that perfectly objective research is impossible, the duty of self-examination calls upon both the publisher and the reader to constantly evaluate their search for TRUTH. While we believe it would not be profitable but rather detrimental to be constantly reading false doctrine, and while we should exert the utmost prayerful caution to see that we read the best, most Biblically sound writers available, yet we should not be guilty of only reading after our fellows - only reading those writers who advocate what we already believe. May the Lord give us all grace to embrace the truth wherever we find it. How else can we truly carry on an unbiased search for truth? Do we really seek the TRUTH of Scripture whatever be the cost? Are we really willing to humbly consider the views of others in light of the Scripture? Are we truly willing to change our beliefs if the light of Scripture reveals we should? If not, all our words about the Glory of God are a sham and all our expressions about desiring to please God are self-deluded pretense. Are we sincerely willing to humbly consider the views of others in light of the Scripture? Only this attitude accurately preserves both the “truth” and the “spirit” of the Baptist Heritage. In closing it should be pointed out we are not saying that truth is in a constant state of flux and change. The Scriptures are an inspired God-given revelation of reality, of things as they really are and prayerful, sincere reading and study may show us that we need to change our views of truth but such study will not and cannot change the truth contained in God's Word. It is ever the same. These views of truth have guided our selection of books for distribution and republication.